A mindless ramble I wrote one evening, a few months back.
Sometimes, when the world is at it's worst, you will put your faith into the strangest of things. Sometimes, all a man requires to survive is a belief, a belief in something more then himself, something that is stronger then he is. For all we are, we are more like sheep in a flock then anything we may wish we were.
Perhaps our strongest and greatest fear is ourselves, afraid of who and what we are. What we will become. What our actions we lead us to becoming.
For all the things I am, I can't help but to look into my past and think, "did I do the right thing? Was there something more I could have achieved?" These questions do not have a definitive answer to them, but we can only hope that our pasts reflect us in the right light, and not cast us into the shadows.
It leads us to the idea of karma, and the idea of "if you do good things, good things will happen to you." A nice prospect, sure, but for all the things man has done do they truly deserve the future of judgement and contradiction that awaits them? Probably. But for every ten souls who can't be saved, surely there is an eleventh who can, and is it fair for the actions of others to be reflected onto all? To be judged as a society rather then an individual, to be just a face in a crowd of thieves.
Now I discuss to myself the thought of love and friendship and whether these two overlapping emotions dictate one another. Friendship is usually a bond eternal, a connection we share with one another over long periods of time. Although you can break a friendship you can never truly sever the bond.
Love is slightly different in the sense that over a lifetime our life for that "special" person can swap and change dramatically. Over a series of years and situations my feelings of both love and love have changed dramatically, I believe I have felt love for another on many an occasion. It is not the feeling however that I question, it is the answer most have for it. Soul mates for instance are something I can not believe in due to being skeptical on the idea that two people are perfect for one another. We are not pieces of a jigsaw which simply need to be put together to create a picture, there is more depth to people and what our idea of love is.
Some believe that love us two people destined to be together, the will of the gods if you want, no matter the odds or the risks they must take. Fate wants them to be together and so they shall.
I am again skeptical. I can believe that we have a path we are destined to follow and that every step we take has been planned since the beginning of our birth. But two paths so closely linked together that our very futures are entwined in a circle? What about those who cross our paths? Do they mean nothing? Are their lives irrelevant to our own until we find true happiness? There are too many things hidden in the world for us to truly understand the will of the universe, but who's to day that we can't try.
Perhaps the true meaning of everything we accomplish is hidden from view until the very end. People have been known to say that their entire lives have flashed before their eyes at deaths door, perhaps it is a explanation for everything we have done, our atonement. It gets me curious on the idea of death and what lies beyond, mainly due to the fact it is something you can only experience as an individual our final moments... I want to know what lies beyond. Whether it is the light of heaven, the flames of hell, or some other mystery matters not. Simply knowing would keep me at peace.
But I suppose we all have things to live for. A final hand, steady on our shoulders guiding us through life like a guardian angel.
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