Wednesday, 30 November 2011


Today, for perhaps the first time ever, since we started college, my class finally began talking to one another. Well sort of...

Actually, now I think of it, only half of us really did. And most of it was between out own groups but with the two groups hanging out. Few words were actually shared between us. Hmmm. Okay, maybe we didn't really have a conversation, heck I barely said four words to anyone this day anyway. But I guess now that at least a few words have been shared amongst our class, things can only get better. I hope anyway, it's damn awkward at times.

I would like to get to know everyonein my class a lot better anyway. It would be good to make more then two new friends out of the entire college. Well, technically three but this chick just randomly hugs me but thats a story for another day.

But it occurred to me on the bus home today, that as we grow older, it gets steadily harder and harder to make friends and generally talk to people you don't know. People are more cautious and unwilling to talk with those they don't know, actually, most people are just shy. Embarrassment is a likely reason for the problem, that and the fact people don't like awkward situations. And nothing is more awkward then a failing conversation with a stranger.

I suppose I'll explain the random girl who hugs me. Or try? Okay, basically, she gets the same bus as me, but it started when we were introduced byba mutual friend. It was then that, vein quite a touchy-feely/hugging person, that after she had hugged everyone but me goodbye, as you do, she must of felt guilty? I suppose. And hugged me. Now, I don't like to brag. Buy I've been told that I have very nice hugs, and apparently she agrees with this. As every time she sees me, she expects a hug, a long one too.

It's not asif I mind or anying, I just found it a little perculiar, especially how on Facebook she always speaks in the third person to me. That's a little weird.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Despite my best intentions

First of all, I apologise for any previous mistakes I may have been making. Not to sound pompous, or something, I am writing these blog posts on my IPad 2(cough,cough) and the keyboard, doesn't like to register my finger movements sometimes. Anyway.

My minds gone blank. Then again didn't have much to say about today, I had some ideas but meh, forgotten. The ocarina-ering is going better, I'm still struggling to create a fluid tune but my fingering is improving, a lot. (sexual connotation?) I'm enjoying myself though, it is good fun, learning songs and practicing a fair bit. Not as much as I would like to because I'm quite busy but hey, that's life.

I guess I could talk about how awkward most of the girls are at my college. Because they are. Awkward. It's a little weird. I had a discussion with my father about women, and I think I shall talk about that today. So, if you feel offended, f-ck off.

Girls are pack animals. You will almost never see a girl on her own, and if you do, it's because she's waiting for someone, or her friend has gone to the loo. Guys are different, much different in the sense that men are usually 'lone wolves.' We do things on our own, we don't need the company of others or to bein a group to feel secure with ourselves. We just are naturally. Actually, guys usually are only ever wary with other guys. I guess it's the whole cave man theory, where men had to compete with one another for the lady in question. A bit like today still I guess.

Anyway, so, if girls are pack animals, that means they are pretty much always in a group. This makes it incredibly hard to strike up a conversation with any one of them, because they all turn to look at you as if you've strolled over and called them fat. Girls also have a tendency to ignore nice guys and only ever pay attention to stuck up, pretentious douche-bags who think they're gods gift to mankind.

But that's a story for another day.

Monday, 28 November 2011


Woo hoo! My first ever ocarina came today and I can happily say that i was well chuffed. A gorgeous blue, 12 hole tenor ocarina with a nice Tri-force symbol to match. Eager to start playing, I unboxed it and easily found...

It was actually pretty tricky. Now I didn't expect to be a pro but I swear it looked easier on the Internet. Im struggling to learn what all the notes mean on the music tabs at the moment. That and how long to hold each note, both long and quick. The shifting of fingers will come with practises so I'm not too worried about that. But it may take a little while longer for the rest to come to me.

Though I refuse to be deterred by these facts, I know I won't learn anything unless I practice, practice, practice so that's what I'll do. Hopefully I can get the hang of it before Christmas.

I bought the Zelda songbook with it too, which gives me nearly every song from the Ocarina of Tme game, my favourite game of all time. So that should be fun, leaning those songs. Especially Sarias song and The Song of Time, two song I have adored since I first heard them.

I shall enjoy learning to play the Ocarina.

Sunday, 27 November 2011


I've renamed Sunday to Snoozeday as it seems to be the only thing I really do, and I work on Sundays. At work today, I spent a fair amount of time lounging around, not doing much work. But it's okay, so did everyone else.

The week, like most, has an affect on me which starts of miserable and slowly picks up. Well, actually, if I think about it, it's been quite the opposite. Mondays are always quite slow, but still can be enjoyable. Despite having the worst art class ever on a Tuesday, the day is really quite fun. And on Wednesday's, all we do as a class to muck about and have a laugh. Whilst doing work, of course. Then, with Thursday and Friday being my weekend, I work on the S's, I usually just chill out at home.

Buy yes, Snoozday, I mean Sunday. Is the renown day of rest, and to me it varies with this statement/title. Sure, I usually spend my Sunday's not doing much, but then again, Sunday's can also become quite a hectic day. Varies with your plans and what you've got going on I guess, but I remember Sunday's of rushing to finish home works or coursework or even staying up late to study for an exam.

But yes, Snoozeday from now on.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Alex Baker podcast

There is very little to say on today's events. I suppose I could talk about the current podcasts I'm listening too all though I doubt there's much to say on the matter.

Alex Baker is a comedian with a chat show on Kerrang radio, every Sunday between 10 and 12pm. Him and two others, Kevin and Hayley, simply cha about random things telling jokes and having random rap battles. Before I go on, I implore you to download the first 5 episodes of the Alex Baker Show Podcast on ITunes, they are well worth the listen.

Anyway, the Alex Baker Show has made me laugh and smile a lot since I started listening to it. It was recommended to me by a friend several times but it wasn't until she actually showed me a little snippet of it that I be ame interested. The random rap battles, quite literally random, that have are the funniest thing I've ever heard in the radio. Time and time again I can go back and listen to them and still find them absolutely hilarious.

To pick out a few flaws I would say the length is something I can't handle. I just get bored after about half an hour, and the shows are usually an hour plus. It must seems to drag on or I can never find enough time in my day to listen to an entire podcast. Also, the things they seem to laugh at aren't as funny as they make them out to be. It just gets a little bit awkward when you've given a small smile and they're hooting with laughter for an hour.

Can't be asked to write much, so I may edit this later.

Friday, 25 November 2011


Hello. First of all a warning. This post may contain spoilers about the first book in the Belgariad series, Pawn of Prophicy. Do not moan at me if I ruin some parts.

Belgariad - The Pawn of Prophicy.

I just finished the first instalment of the Belgariad series and I was blown away with how much I enjoyed it. It's certainly my kind of book, magic and sorcery mixed in with a fantasy world of which David Eddings is pretty free to do what he wants. It's a human land too, as far as I'm aware, so there's no dealing with elves or dwarves or any other races. Which is nice, although there are almighty gods who created the world and each have there own race of humans, the same way we follow different gods and are different orientations.

Anyway, the story follows a young boy called Garion, who slowly matures into a man throughout the story. Garion is an orphan of sorts, staying in the care of his aunt, although she's not really his aunt. The twist is, although this is just me guessing, his aunt is actually a thousand year old sorcerer and the daughter to the great Belgarath. A man who was actually tutored by a god and is over 7000 years old.

The plot of the book is a bit shifty, I'm not entirely sure what's happening as Eddings doesn't do much to go into detail about the quest but does just enough to keep you guessing about what's going to happen, who they're after and why. It's almost as if we the reader only know as much as Garion does, and almost all of the other characters do their best to keep Garion ignorant of his past and soon to gain inheritance.

I'm much looking forward to reading the next instalment of the series, just downloaded it onto my Kindle and am about to have a read. Either that or Rangers Apprentice, I'm yet to decide.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Music (1)

I have had a fascination with music for only a few years. I only truly came to enjoy and mental crave it during my teen years (14 onwards.) but since then I have found some bands, and certain songs, which bring out emotions within me that just seem to make life worth living. It calms me, makes me happy and lightens my world. I'll name a few and saynwhat I feel about them.

Two Door Cinema Club
What You Know

This is a song from a band that was recommended to me by an American friend who had just begun listening to the band. Another, old friend here in England had been recommending them for some time to me but he had a dodgy taste in music, so I wasn't to keen. So, I was pleasantly surprised when I found that I actually really enjoyed their music. A sort of indie pop vibe that you can't help but nod your had along too. Well worth listening too and certainly one of my all time favourites.

Pegasus Bridge
Ribena (Acoustic)

Both versions of this song are fantastic but the emotion and single guitar in this song truly make it amazing. Pegasus are a band I found due to TDCC. I was looking for music videos from Cinema and I managed to stumble upon this amazing band, and I'm incredibly glad I did. Like Cinema, a blend of indie and pop and lyrics that never truly make much sense but are awesome all the same.

Panic! At The Disco
London Beckoned Songs

I find a lot of people tend to be hit and miss with Panic! Personally, their catchy tunes and easy to learn lyrics make them a truly amazing listen. Out of all their songs, there are many would regard as my favourites but London Beckoned is one I've always seemed to know the lyrics too and have always sung along too. None of there songs really make much sense to me, nor the titles, but I find that it doesn't matter. The tempo and beat of the music is enough for me to fall in love with.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Old friends.

Why do social conformities stop old friends from embracing each other as they would do in the past? A new atmosphere, a new place, why does all of this change the way that old friends are able to react to another's presence. I spotted a friend from my high school today, and thought about saying hello, as I would have given any other situation. But something stopped me this time. We were both with our new friends and there was something about the whole situation that just felt wrong. The two groups stood apart, both indifferent to one another and yet I couldn't help feeling that there was a barrier between us, one that restricted me to simply looking in her general direction.

It wasn't until we met eyes and she gave me a small smile that told me everything about the situation. It was a smile that was both a greeting and an acknowledgement. A sign that instantly told me that she was saying hello but at the same time that it would be wise to stick to our groups.

Society imposes certain rules onto its people that we usually blindly follow simply because everyone else does the same, there are few who openly break these rules and act in a manner that suits there personality better. These people are usually considered outcasts to the rest, simply because they follow there hearts and instead of flocking like sheep, they fly like birds.

I've never sought out to follow any specific rules that the world imposes on us, I don't act how others expect me to, I won't do things just because "it's what people my age do." it's a stereotype that I take great offence at, how the world doesn't see me as an individual but as a label. I will walk my own road and I hope that in the future people can come to respect that of me, and if they chose to follow me or follow society then I will respect that, even if I don't agree with it.

I suppose in the end, it's each onto his own and there is very little a single man can do about that, we can only voice our opinions and move on with our lives. As long as we can find inner peace and enternal happiness then little else matters.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Some days annoy me

Today, someone really ticked me off.

And the thing is it wasn't even over a big thing, quite a small comment actually but the audacity behind it just annoyed me beyond comprehension. I'll begin but expect a rant.

So, I'm sitting in class, editing a photograph as I usually do on a Tuesday afternoon and everything is good. Anyway, I get up to print and as I'm standing there waiting for it to do so, one of the guys in my class, a very pretentious, up himself kid, looks at me and blurts out: "Your necklaces look stupid."
I pause and just look at him, unsure if he's serious or being sarcastic and just trying to wind me up. I ask him why they're stupid and he replies with the helpful. "they just are."

Now, he is entitled to his opinion, everyone is and I can respect that, as long as he can tell me why he feels that way. So, I ask him why again, this time with a little more emphasis, Im curious now, I want to know why he doesn't like them. Oh and for your benefit, the necklaces I was wearing that day consisted of an angel wing, a cartoon cat and a small camera pendant. Anyway, his reply is what annoyed me so.

"It's just stupid, all men who wear necklaces look stupid."

Are you serious? All men look stupid just because they wear necklaces? Where the hell is the sense in that. Essentially that makes at least a quarter of the male sex idiots. It's sexist, it's pretty much saying that only women are allowed to wear jewellery, where's the equal rights? Why in the world would women be able to wear a necklace and look fine, but if a guy does then he's a fool?

I wear necklaces because it makes me happy, it's the only reason I do anything in this world, because it keeps me happy and content. This kid pretty much said to me that what makes me happy is stupid. And then he wonders why I was a little annoyed with him, he offends me and then gets angry with me for being offended.

But maybe I'm looking too deeply into things again, he's entitled to a opinion, no matter my own views against it. But it offended me, and the fact that he didn't realise his words caused offence annoyed me more then the actual comment.

But that's enough ranting I think.

Monday, 21 November 2011

First time blogging.

This is my first post ever, that I remember, of myself ever blogging on the internet. A lot of people my age have begun doing this and succumbing to peer pressure, I've decided to join in onnthe craze. This area will probably be all me ranting and raving about pretty much whatever comes to mind. So expect little to make much sense and also you'll see a lot of contradicting thouhts. If you keep along, then kudos to you.

Let's see, today. A pretty chilled out day today, been sitting in an IT suite for about 7 hours in front of a computer screen looking at hundreds upon hundreds of photographs of well known photographers. Sebastion Selgadiao, Steve McCurry and Simon Norfolk were a few to name and to be honest I'm too tired to be bothered to name anymore. Though if you want to see some amazing portraiture photography, then check out Steve McCurry, well worth it.

Other then looking at photographs, all I've done otherwise was do a little bit of editing on exposure photographs before making the long trek home on a few packed and stuffy buses. Seriously, do people not know how to open a window? It doesn't take a genius to pull the handle and allow some fresh air into the heat! Im slowly melting and there's people sitting happily in fur coats and scarves, are you insane!? I suppose it is winter and it is cold outside but the cold isn't that bad, I'd much rather be cold then hot.

Other then college, the only other thing I really do is work. I work in a kitchen, doing various bits and bobs but overall keeping everything clean. It's not exactly a very good job but it's pretty was money and you don't really have to think about what you're doing. Unless you're ill, like I was the last weekend I worked. I've never felt worse, and the bad part is the boss couldn't care less. It was a busy night so I had no choice but to Plowright on, I couldn't just leave, they were under staffed as it was. But seriously, the amountof work that piled up and up was ridiculous, I was well past the time I was due to finish by the time I actually did, and the worse thing I felt was how my co-workers happily abandoned me to get on with it. They were supposed to help me, the same way I was helping them but obviously that counts for little to some people. Lessons of life I suppose, but still.

I could goon for a few hours more but I have another day to spend at college and I think I should get some sleep. Ignore the grammar and spelling if it's wrong, I'm feeling too lazy to edit it all.

Night yall.